
Master Advisory Committees

Master Advisory Committees: 

Five standing advisory committees have been created by the Master Board. Each committee is responsible for advising the Master Board on any issues regarding its area of concern. Click on the advisory committee below to access the committee's individual web pages.  
Master Finance Advisory Committee: - created for the purpose of ensuring the overall financial stability and integrity of the Association. 
The Master Community Facilities, Clubs, & Groups Advisory Committee: - created to ensure that Sweetwater residents receive maximum benefit and enjoyment from the community’s facilities.
The Master Covenants, Rules, and Regulations Advisory Committee: - created to review, revise, and develop the rules and regulations governing the Sweetwater by Del Webb Master Homeowners Association, and assist the CAM in monitoring compliance with those rules and regulations.
The Master Property and Grounds Advisory Committee: - created for the purpose of ensuring the full functionality and aesthetics of the Sweetwater by Del Webb community's common area infrastructure.
The Master Website Advisory Committee: is created for the purpose of establishing and maintaining the designed Sweetwater website in accordance with Florida State requirements for Associations.